Mixers are a critical part of the manufacturing process. Whether a factory is producing plastics with a critical coloring consistency or mixing a recipe for the region’s best tomato sauce, the process of mixing plays a critical role in the consistency of the product and the brand’s reputation. But the process of mixing can be more complex than you think, and there are certain criteria in a mixer that may be more important to a business than others, particularly pressure drop.
Static mixers rely on pressure drop to manage the content flow. But the pressure drop makes a difference to the industry. Low pressure drop mixers create a high flow rate with even, low viscosity. The bio-diesel industry, pulp and paper industry, water and waste industries all benefit from this style of pressure drop. This works particularly well for blending grades or oil or gasoline and oil emulsification. Mixing at least two liquid resins to create pipeline reactions or dilute solutions (such as during the chlorine dioxide bleaching process for the pulp and paper industry) also benefit from a low pressure drop. Essentially, blending any additives or controlling acid or pH issues via low pressure drop is usually the way the go for most facilities.
If you are trying to solve a consistency problem, then updating your mixer is likely the best approach. Product sampling should immediately indicate near perfect consistency once you make the switch to a Komax stainless steel static mixer. Another common problem solved by static mixers is the need for targeted injection of critical additives (as with bio-diesel or waste treatment) where the mixture has to be right in order to avoid environmental disaster. Having the right equipment makes a critical difference.
Contact Komax to help identify your static mixer needs.